07 Feb 2021
February 7, 2021

Reading Testimonials


” Just the best and so very grateful for your work and support.” (S. Tomlinson)

8 Responses to Reading Testimonials
  1. Hi Sufi! I received a reading from you a couple of months ago. It was so helpful and affirming! I started reading some books you suggested and things have been clicking in place- I definitely feel much more grounded in my gifts. Very grateful. You came up in a dream message this weekend and I felt another reading this month would be really supportive! Thank you!

    (A. Riverbrant)

  2. There was no one I felt safer with, leaving my baby those first few times, than with you.

    (Amanda Bacon)

  3. I cannot even begin to express how magical things have been for me since our reading. I do the meditations as often as I can, and sometimes in my dreams I get messages. I got a message from you in a dream a few days ago about my neck. Thank you for finding your way into my life at this very moment. Your powerful soul and gift is changing lives. Can’t wait for a follow up soon!
    (T. Bristol)

  4. Nov. 4, 2016 Edge Life Expo
    Minneapolis, MN.
    Soul Cartography
    “Sooo Thankful my Angels led me to you!!! I adored you instantly and I had a wonderful time chatting with you. I hope to connect with you over time. I sincerely enjoyed every second.”

    C.R. Mosher

  5. “I have been meaning to sit and write to you ever since the workshop in July. I wanted to say thank you for sharing your time, your knowledge, and your insight. I really enjoyed, well, everything! The stories, the conversation and the reading. Your words impacted me deeply. Thank you!”


  6. A friend invited me to experience a group reading in her home with Sufi. “I’d met with mediums before, after the loss of my son, but never had a medium speak Farsi. I learned later Sufi does not speak a word of Farsi. It was delightful to hear my native tongue. She said the word “bazam”. A key word for my son and I. It means “again”. It was confirmation that we would indeed see each other again. Sufi also confirmed his birthday and how he had passed.
    She has a wonderful calming presence, and I look forward to my next reading with her.”

    ( M.)

  7. My brother passed away in 2011 at the age of 39. During my healing process, I chose to visit Sufi to see if my brother wanted to communicate at all. I have to say, after each visit, I truly felt more at ease and actually relieved and happy to hear that my brother was “doing well” on the “other side”. She really helped facilitate the healing process for me and I’m so grateful for that gift. It’s so gratifying and special when one of Sufi’s vision’s plays out in real life too! Upon my second visit with Sufi in the Spring, my bother had told/ her about a special stone bench, that seemed to be old looking. She said something about laughing children around this bench, where the atmosphere was lite and fun. She also mentioned something about an Island with blueberries on it. The bench didn’t make much sense for me at first, but the blueberry island landed quite big. Sure enough, that following summer ( a few months later), upon our annual visit to my family lake house in New Hampshire, I saw the bench! You see, we spread my brother’s ashes around a small garden and headstone that is next to our lake house. When I drove into the driveway, this is what my father had decided to place next to Eric’s stone… And, coincidentally, Blueberry Island…another special place located at the lake where we grew up, is located right there in our cove on the lake. A significant spot indeed. This was very cool to know Eric approved of the bench my father placed by him. And still gives me chills just thinking about it…in a GOOD way!

    C. Braun

  8. My brother had gone missing and a work colleague gave me Sufi’s name. I came to Sufi for help. We had checked all of the hospitals to no avail. It was so unlike him to just disappear. My brother was diabetic and the way all was left when he went missing was mysterious. I had never met Sufi before. I was shocked as she first described a tattoo that was not in plain site. She said she saw three diamonds. We are big Stealers fans in my family and I have their emblem as a tattoo. Then she shared that he passed due to complications connected to diabetes and that his body was by a lake. Since it was winter they wouldn’t find him until March. She did not know my brother lived in Michigan. Just as she said, they found him by the lake near his home in March. She also described to a T my brother’s cat, which is a very unusual looking cat, and she shared that my brother and dad had been working together on a remodel of dads home before he passed. This reading, though sad, was mind blowing and brought great relief to know my brother is now at peace.



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