I am constantly reminded to let go and let wonder. Not always so easy. I believe half the time of my development as a young medium was about just getting used to, understanding, & trusting the terrain. I am still in awe of mediumship. So much so that at times that awe gets in the way. I catch myself thinking, wow I cant believe this is real, and can be done. I believe it was Mavis Pittilla that said, ” The most skeptical person in the room at a reading should be and usually is the medium.” So true. I expect more and more of myself and my work every time. I hunt refinement. It is a tricky dance, perhaps weighted in the need to control the field. In development I felt I was being reconstructed from the inside out. I never realized how strong my dedication to control was and is. I seek to understand, release and make peace with my love of control. When I move out of the way, I am filled in by the story. I recently discovered my resistance to the nitty gritty of a reading. I have found I often am allergic to the dark corners in a sitting. I am not one to pry in my everyday life. Even if the sitter gives permission, I have resistance. I am shocked to see my limitations, and thankful because now I can hunt. I hunt the obstacle of my own limitation. This can become addicting as well. As I write this I hear them hollering, “Make it a dance. Dance damn it. Just dance and let go, let go, let go.” Hahahaha